An Unexpected, Cool Breeze

Brad Green’s Fixing Miss Fritz is live now at the Texas Observer. Read this.

Staccato Fiction offers a story by Michelle Reale.

At Fwriction Review, fiction from Myfanwy Collins.

Mensah Demary’s Stark County appears at Used Furniture Review.

In the Summer 2011 issue of The New Yinzer, an appreciation by Matt Bell.

Up at Staccato Fiction, a story from Sarah Malone.

Kathy Fish’s Wild Life is available for pre-order from Matter Press.

Michelle Reale has a collection available from Thunderclap Press.

Zelda is revisited by Brian Oliu in Web Conjunctions.

The Family Fang by Kevin Wilson is out this month from Ecco.

Richard Thomas graces the virtual pages of Metazen.

Kill Author Fourteen features writing from J. Bradley, Jen Michalski, Meg Pokrass, and Robb Todd.

Exciting project on the horizon–Corey Zeller approached some great writers to produce self-parodying titles. Zeller’s objective: “to write a book of serious prose poems” borrowing the deliberately bad titles. That She Could Remember Something Other Than _________, a Nester / Winter nominee, is the working title for Zeller’s collection.