Call for Applications: Interviews Editors, PANK Blog

Hello! It’s me, Opportunity calling!

PANK Blog is looking for a new editorial duo to run the fashionable and fascinating LIGHTNING ROOM series, which interviews PANK Magazine contributors.

Exciting! Perhaps it will be you!

Things to Think About Before You Apply

*This job is a labor of love. Nobody on the editorial staff of the blog or the mag make any money at this. But we do our best to make the lit-space sparkle and we have very cool swag.

*Please familiarize yourself with past Lightning Room interviews. For instance. Also.

*Please have an understanding of what stokes PANK’s fires, a sense of humor and shrewdness, a keen and crackling acumen and the ability to go beyond typical interview questions like “What inspires you as a writer?” Snore.

*Please be willing and able to work collaboratively with your co-editor and the Blog editor (that would be me), and on deadline. The Lightning Room runs twice a week. It’s a quick-paced place, the PANK Blog. You must be able to keep up.

Still interested? Super.


1. Visit Issue 9.4 and read it. Yes, all of it. Please and thank you.

2. Pick two writers whose work you liked and create eight interview questions you would pose to them.

3. Send your questions, along with a cover letter that includes your bio info, and anything else you think will convince me that you are sane but interesting, in an email, NO ATTACHMENTS, to me at Please use the subject line: INTERVIEW APPLICATION.

4. I will choose two editors from the applicant pool and contact you via email by, uh, soon…

5. If chosen, plan to start sometime this summer.

6. Deadline for application: MAY 1, 2014.

Looking forward to meeting you!