The Lightning Room With Jenn Marie Nunes

Wherein Jenn discusses the never narratives ofThe Enchanted Historical Realm and the first street in America; all while the girl-y-est, most mythic, &objectified, bad-ass-est, hero thing-y thing around talks to God.

1. What’s the queerest thing about these poems and how could they be queerer?

Nature is probably the queerest thing. We- that’s “people”- are always trying to fuck nature or vs. nature, and really- we’re the same thing!

I guess the people relationships are only mildly queer. That’s because the narrator doesn’t have much language herself for liking girls, but she totally does duh. So her actions are mostly either just sweet or typical girl-on-girl vicious, but just like her body is erupting with signs of its queer naturalness- spores, bulbs- her narrative is splitting along the norm seam.

2. How do you determine what to put in italics? (if you don’t know, you have to come up with a reason)

Oh, that’s God talking. Continue reading