1. A give away because it is Friday. Be the first person to post about our contest on your blog, put the post link in the comments and get a free copy of Stephanie Johnson’s One of These Things is Not Like the Others from Keyhole Press. Previous winners of things not eligible, sorry. UPDATE: (6:53 pm) Books gone.
2. What is your favorite song or album to write to? I listen to all kinds of music but I love listening to Ani DiFranco’s album Little Plastic Castles on repeat when I’m writing and especially the song Swan Dive.
3. A writer this week ended his cover letter with the phrase, “Shut up.” I’m still trying to understand why. Is it a rhetorical shut up like I can’t believe you said that? Is it a shut up as in don’t judge me? Or is it a shut up, don’t respond to my submission?
4. Five great things to read over the weekend: Monday by audri sousa; Sex is Blind by xTx; Headspace Sampler by Erin Fitzgerald; Leaving Aisha by Caleb Powell; and Formation by Gary Moshimer.
5. Five Twitter users to follow: @FRIGGMagazine, @SarahKSilverman, @robertswartwood, @jessamarsh, and @DanielNester.
Have a great weekend. Monday, a fun interview with Erin Fitzgerald, editor of The Northville Review.