1. What is the difference between an author and a writer?
2. The Summer 09 issue of Frigg is up and it is pretty fantastic. In particular, check out Four Stories by Richey Piiparinen a forthcoming PANK contributor.
3. Watch Matt Bell read Mantodea, which will appear in PANK 4.
4. In honor of the new Designer Snuggie, some lucky individual will get a free Snuggie! And a second one free! And also two book lights. Write us a Snuggie poem, and leave it in the comments area. We’ll randomly select a winner on Saturday morning and post  all the poems some time over the weekend.
5. Some reminders: We’re having a contest. If you haven’t checked it out already, the July issue continues to delight. We still have a few issues of PANK 3 left. Finally, we hope you’re getting your manuscripts ready. In a few weeks, we’ll be announcing the details of our first chapbook competition.