We all Want to be Glitter and Gold and Glamour

Fiction from Colin Winnette has been posted at Everyday Genius.

Fruit, fiction by Len Kuntz is up at Staccato Fiction.

The third issue of Muzzle includes poetry from Marcus Wicker, Steve Subrizi, and others.

Lacey Martinez writes of lists and more at Wigleaf. There’s also a postcard.

Here’s a great interview with JA Tyler about Mudluscious’s new imprint, Nephew.

Issue 5 of Spilt Milk includes Helen Vitoria and Kyle Hemmings. Kyle also has a story up at Metazen.

David Peak’s King of the Rats reigns at Wigleaf.

Nicolle Elizabeth reviews Pedro Ponce’s Alien Autopsy.

At Pure Slush, a story by Todd McKie.

Yes Yes Books, run by Katherine Sullivan has a great new blog including a post by Richey Laurentiis. You should also check out a recent post by Phillip Williams. I look forward to seeing what they come up with.

There’s a special issue of the Foundling Review, a flash fiction issue with writing from Kyle Hemmings, Tara Laskowski and Beth Thomas.

Up now at LitSnack, a fine story by Michelle Reale.

Marc Baumer wrote about his date with Emma Watson.