The Lightning Room With Keisha Lynne Ellis

Keisha Lynne Ellis talks the loudest about The Little Death in a land of no alarm clocks where everyone has a chance to die.

1. Why do people follow one person over another?

On an individual level I think that many of us would admit to not having this “life” thing completely figured out, but we all probably have some idea about what we want it to look like. I guess we choose to follow the people (or theories, or gods) whose views are more in line with what we already know we want. On a grander scale, when we talk about groups or nations, it boils down to whoever talks the loudest.

2. Is anyone in life equal? Can they be?

We are all born equal and we die equal, but we all seem to forget this while we’re alive.

3. What would utopia look like for you?

A land of no alarm clocks, but everyone gets out of bed anyway.

4. What’s the line between being right and being self-righteous? 


5. Name two things that are always close to your heart.

The ocean and the moon, which, upon auto-psychoanalysis, I realize are probably representative of my fascination with chaos and admiration of order.

6. How can we be sure we’ll die if we haven’t died yet?

I was never that good with statistics, but I’m pretty sure that mathematically speaking, there’s a really good chance everyone who is alive right now will “die” at some point. Now, as to what it actually means to “die”- that’s a whole other conversation.