We are grateful for:
Our print subscribers: You are awesome. Â Sometimes, you buy a PDF or a single issue or a Kindle issue or a three year subscription. However you support us, you believe in us enough to give us money that makes it possible for us to mail our issues out and buy envelopes and print postcards and all kinds of things.
Our online audience: Thank you for supporting our writers by reading their work and for reading this simple blog and for spreading the good word, wide and far.
Our contributors: You send us your writing and let us publish it and you understand that even though we want, sincerely, to compensate as you so richly deserve, we as of yet cannot. You send us work that surprises and amuses and challenges and shocks and frightens us. You trust that we will treat your work with love and respect . That’s awesome.
Your Blogs and Twitter Feeds: If you mention your blog in your cover letter, we add it to our Google Reader feed. Then we read your blog rolls so we can get to know your friends but not in a stalkerish way. And then we get to learn about where you’re publishing other work and what (and who) you love and what you hate and what you need and what you’ve lost. You give us ideas for blog posts, and news items for our weekly news posts. Sometimes you give us a shout out (holla!) and we appreciate that too. Sometimes you give us things to think about. Sometimes you make us laugh and sometimes you frustrate us. It is all a much needed reminder that we are not alone here.
Your patience as we learn and grow and stumble and get back up.
It’s Thursday. The week is almost over. Feel free to share your the things you’re grateful for in the comments!