Majors, books, blather: A baker’s dozen

1. The New York Times on Where the Wild Things Are.

2. The Washington Post takes on the  neocon Jew.

3. The Boston Globe on used and specialty bookstores.

4. The readers of the Atlanta Journal Constitution evidently don’t turn to their paper for their reading, but maybe I’m missing something. Regardless, here’s the AJC on Bravo’s Real Housewives of Atlanta instead.

5.  The Detroit Free Press goes the way of the AJC, but does have something to say to Ms. Spears.

6. The Times Picayuna on Eggers’  Zeitoun.

7. Chicago Tribune, Oprah Book Club, duh.

8. The Denver Post says METH!

9. The Seattle Times mostly channels the Associated Press, but elsewhere channels New York.

10. The Oregonian name drops Chuck Palahniuk, Rudy Wurlitzer,  Bob Dylan, and Sam Peckinpah all in the same nut graph, but  leaves the story to The Cult.

11. The LA Times thinks your stunt book is bullshit.

12. And last, but not least, the SF Chronicle cums all over Thanks for Coming.