Jen Gann brings her considerable talent to Everyday Genius–a fitting match. She is joined by Elissa Gabbert.
Listen to xTx read in the  Orange Alert podcast #33. She is joined by Adam Moorad.
The Hint Fiction Anthology, edited by Robert Swartwood, was reviewed in the New Yorker. Very fancy. These are heady times.
There are two poems by Eric Burke for your reading enjoyment at Dark Sky Magazine.
Sean Lovelace writes of John McEnroe at Blip.
At Metazen, several of our favorite writers have had work recently including xTx whose story ends in such a beautiful, surprising way and Joseph Goosey.
The fall Lit n Image includes stories from Michelle Reale and Garrett Socol.
Jason Jordan’s Pestilence is now online at Acappella Zoo. He also has work in The Foundling Review where he is joined by Sheldon Lee Compton, Mel Bosworth, Ethel Rohan and others.
At Largehearted Boy, you can read Matt Bell’s Book Notes for How They Were Found.
Brian Oliu’s Ten Hoor Parking Deck is up at Abjective.
New poems from Eric Burke are available for your literary degustation at Dark Sky.
Anne Leigh Parrish has a new website. Stop by, take a look around.
Alexandra Isacson has work in Curbside Splendor, a magazine which is also having a contest you might want to enter.
The last (or last for a while) issue of Lamination Colony is massive and includes the writing of I. Fontana, Frank Hinton, Janey Smith, Tadd Adcox, M. Kitchell, Amber Sparks, Ryan Ridge, Melissa Broder, xTx, Adam Moorad, Lily Hoang, and others. Melissa also has work in the Huffington Post and H_NGM_N.
Also in the new issue of H_NGM_N are Tamiko Beyer, William Walsh, Amy McDaniel, Sutherland Douglass, and more.
The Fall 2010 issue of Frigg includes Kathy Fish.
Andrew Borgstrom makes an appearance at Everyday Genius.
Full of Crow flies again with Adam Moorad, Christina Murphy, Â and others.
At the Roanoke Review you can read an interview with P. Scott Cunningham.
The lovely Jeanann Verlee is interviewed at Dark Sky.
You will find work from Eric Burke, Feng Sun Chen, Beth Thomas, and others in Weave Magazine #5. Order your copy now.
Mark Budman’s six word love story is featured at Smith Magazine.