all the stories
i ever told myself the woman
recoils raccoon carcass around her neck white gloves
recoils from the sailor his white hat a sun burning in place of a head
his hands grabbing her
thigh fingers making
indents all the stories i had ever told myself about her
and how she did not want
to be kissed.
all the stories i had ever told myself about how he
kissed her anyway
the shutter opened a millisecond before but i was sure
of my story i saw her shrug her shoulders to her ears as the shutter opened
i was mad
at the photographer and the raccoon woman’s friend to the left (was that
her friend?) laughing with her mouth hanging
I was mad at the photographer
“exploiter!” i was saying
in my head all the stories i ever told myself were sure the gloved woman
did not want
did not want
did not want
to be kissed
9.3 / March 2014