So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu

Dear friends and family,

Please accept this brief note as PANK’s formal notification of resignation, effective as of the end of this calendar year, 2015. We’ll publish one last print issue and two final online issues of PANK Magazine; look for those in the months ahead. We are immeasurably proud of our publications and have boundless gratitude for all the staff, contributors, and each and every reader who has labored alongside us over the last decade. It’s been an immensely gratifying ride. PANK loves you.

Yours sincerely
M. Bartley Seigel, Roxane Gay, & Co.

The Dispatch

Dear [PANK] Readers & Writers,

I hope this dispatch finds you all well or well enough.

I broke my arm, badly, this fall. Although I’m on the mend, combined with the usual messiness of life and love, I’ve found myself more reflective, maybe even a little maudlin and nostalgic (does that add up to depression? it probably does, doesn’t it?), these past weeks. Apropos to you, readers and writers, I’ve been musing lately that founding and running a literary magazine has been, for me, a little like having a family with kids. [PANK] is part mine, has some of my DNA in it, looks and acts a little bit like me. But as it has aged over the last seven years it has become increasingly clear that this thing I helped create is its own unique entity autonomous of me, alive in its own throbbing skin, and out running amok amogst you all. I can still push [PANK] a few degrees left or right, but it has come into its own strange and particular being and viewpoint, with its own agenda and voice, its own peculiarities and eccentricities. And as I continue to watch this thing grow into whatever it will eventually become, and although I sometimes no longer recognize myself in my own creation, my love for it continues to mature and complicate. It’s a beautiful thing, and I’m grateful to you all out there in the void for helping me shepard it along, helping me make [PANK]’s evolution happen.  Continue reading

PANK’s Spring Funds Drive

Founded in 2006, [PANK] is the critically-acclaimed literary arts organization comprised of PANK Magazine and Tiny Hardcore Press. [PANK] publishes the best new writing for the most adventurous readers around the world.

“Scrappy…intello-chic…and a really good read…PANK Magazine publishes a raft of experimental fiction and poetry.”

–The New York Times

“[PANK] is a marvel. It’s ferocious. It’s a wolf in wolf’s clothing, and it leers at you and tells you all these fantasies and dirty half-truths; it leaves you in awe and, very often, speechless.”

–The Review Review

Why [PANK] Is Important 

The soul of a culture can be found within its literature. From Whitman’s barbaric yawp to Ginsberg’s howl to Angelou’s caged bird singing, the best literature has historically acted not as a hedge against change, nor as a fortress amidst the barbarians, but instead as an agent of radical transformation and transcendence, creating spaces where writers and readers have come together to unlock the future. Since its founding, [PANK] has become one of the nation’s leading provocateurs for emerging and experimental literature in America, a grass roots literary arts organization whose magazine and small press pay forward the profound tradition of literary transgression, helping to point the way ahead.

Why [PANK] Needs Your Help

A significant portion of our financial support comes from readers just like you who buy a print copy of the magazine or a tshirt at our online shop. But running a literary magazine, as we’re sure you’re well aware or can at least surmise, is a losing battle financially. Websites, printers, paper, designers, copy editors, grant writers, it all costs money, money that print sales simply cannot cover. Even with an entirely volunteer staff at our core, we still find it difficult to meet the demands of our ever growing reader base, especially when we remain committed to keeping our website free and open to the public.

So once a year, we’ve committted to running a funds drive, in the hope that you’ll find what we do worth $20 or even $1.  Donations of $1 add up quick, you know? And every dollar helps ensure that [PANK] can keep doing what we do best, that we can keep offering you the stories and poems that keep you ticking and kicking and yelling and screaming. Won’t you help support the effort?

Yes, I would like to donate something to [PANK]

No thanks, I’m just here to read right now


Ever wonder how a print issue of [PANK] comes together? Get the latest of our grimoire, [PANK] 6, into your mitts before they’re gone. Then be sure to check out Torches, the band responsible for the music in the above video. Then go and read our May online issue.

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Spring Funds Drive 2012

Goal: $4,000

Raised since March 27: $1,762

Dear Readers,

Do you love the nonprofit literary arts collective [PANK]? Do you love what we do, what we stand for? Do you love the writers we publish, their stories and poems that keep you up at night, keep you thinking and guessing, creep you out, make you laugh and cry, turn you on, make the world mean in startlingly new, complicated, and challenging ways? Do you love that we offer content in a variety of sexy packages across a variety of print and digital platforms, at a variety of price points for your ease and edification, and that the vast majority of the content at [PANK] is, in fact, available for free?

If you answered yes to any of the above, please consider contributing to [PANK] by either buying something from our shop or by making a donation below. Help us grow. Help us evolve. Our goal is to raise $4,000 by the end of April and every dollar you donate to that goal, be it one or twenty, goes directly to support our mission of fostering greater access to emerging and experimental poetry and prose, publishing the brightest and most promising writers for literature’s most adventurous readers. Help [PANK] keep literature diverse, vibrant, and burning bright.

Thank you for reading [PANK] and for your support of and contribution to the cause of great new writing.

-M. Bartley Seigel & Roxane Gay, editors [PANK]

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