We Give Thanks for November PANK

Another month is upon us and as always, we are thankful for the amazing writing that comes our way. We’ve said it before but we’ll say it again–the quality of our submission queue never ceases to impress us. The good in the queue is so very good and we have some of the finest examples of that goodness in the November issue. We know that the issue listing of names in an alphabetical list can be a bit daunting so we thought we would tell you a little something about each contributor or their piece so you might have a better sense of where to dive in to this cornucopia of words. (Did ya see what I did there?)

You will want to start with The Tongue Party by Sarah Rose Etter. I insist. When I first read this story, I thought, “What on earth?” Everything about the story made me feel tense, uneasy and I wanted to understand what was going on without ever quite getting the satisfaction. This is a story told in two parts and they complement each other in really elegant ways. The first part is surreal while the second part is sublime. You will not regret reading this story. You will not forget reading this story.

Mel Bosworth brings his usual charm, imagination and poignancy to Jonah is Clean and at the end of the story, there is rain, sweet rain. There are three short stories from Christy Crutchfield that will make you want to go out and find more of her wonderful writing. She is masterful in taking strange writing to the edge of absurdity but maintaining control of her stories, her characters, the little worlds she creates.

Cautionary Notes on a Blood Splashed Sneaker, Size 6 1/2 by  Matthew Burnside uses omission and that which is not there to reveal something sharp, intense and quite memorable.

In her cover letter, Jess Glass mentioned it was a goal of hers to have a story accepted by PANK. When I accepted her story The Baby in the Bedroom, I told her she better come up with a new goal. I hope it’s exciting. This is one of those stories that is beautiful and strange and a little heartbreaking and manages to be all those things without veering into the maudlin.

The Fan Dancers, by Molly Gaudry and Lily Hoang (the writing equivalent of a SuperGroup if ever there were one), is a unique blend of poetry and prose, the story told in five parts.

I enjoy when writers use footnotes and these excerpts from Faces have footnotes. The prose-poetry is also quite fascinating, so win win!

Wit is the order of the day in two poems by Matthew McBrearty who writes of werewolves, vespas, Larry McMurtry, and the Holiday Inn.

Nearsong by Joshua McKinney uses the waxing and waning of a day to bring shape to the poetry.

Letitia Moffitt is an amazing woman. In addition to being a lovely writer, she runs marathons. She willfully puts one foot in front of the other for 26 miles and change and then thinks simply finishing is nothing to brag about so I’m going to brag for her. She runs marathons. In this issue, her story Incognito is eminently relatable and a bit sorrowful as she tells the story of a girl hiding in plain sight with her yearning.

Three poems by Elizabeth O’Brien tackle so much. There is tenderness in her words and there is violence but most of all there is heart.

Salvatore Pane brings wit, technology, and modern romance together in a story you will want to read over and over again. This is damn good stuff.

The Orange Suitcase by Joseph Riippi will be released in 2011 by Ampersand Books. In the meantime, you can read a few excerpts from that book which is a novella of sorts, in this month’s issue.

There is an almost claustrophobic quality to the dense writing in Ben Segal’s A Room That Is or Is Not Past Tense.  The story builds and builds and closes in on you in a really satisfying way.

Two pieces by Feng Sun Chen defy description but I keep coming back to them, the word play, the imagery, the everything.

We are not afraid of publishing long writing online. We have faith that if you bring good writing to the Internet, length is but a small consideration. Conscious Knowledge by Rone Shavers is one of our longer pieces but it’s so engaging, political, aware of its own artifice, and one of those stories that makes me think, “Damn, that’s smart.”

JA Tyler’s The Rhinoceros, from his forthcoming collection The Zoo, A Going, was a finalist in our 2009 1,0001 Words contest.

While we’re not afraid of long work, we’re also not afraid of very short work. Vallie Lynn Watson’s Pocket is one of those stories that accomplishes  so much with so little. It’s a little sexy, a little angry, a lot good.

The November issue comes to a close with two pieces from Marcus Wicker that are connected yet can be read alone. The last line of Oblivious Spring, in particular, will make you oooh (or ahh, depending).

Pretty, Rooster by Clay Matthews is Now Available


Pretty, Rooster by Clay Matthews is now available to order!

The latest full-length collection of poems from Cooper Dillon Books is now available. If you like sonnets and love and small towns, roosters, flea-markets and beaters up on blocks, then this thing is built custom for you.

Here’s a sample poem:


South-side of town and I drive in for some
pizza, beers to go. They do the dirty
eats right on this end. I don’t know what home
means, exactly. I take it at thirty
to mean people, place, real things, some good food.
Good and home, being relative. Also
relative, being relative. The dude
in the booth with bad teeth wants me to know
he’s been moving, washers and dryers, big
stuff mostly. It’s good sometimes to see that
people are getting on with their lives, dig,
that they’re out there living, wading through what
must sometimes feel like home to them, or must
always, cheese and crust, windows, floors, and dust.

Reb Livingston says, “These tender, introspective poems pulse patiently as the world spins around and shines light.”

Christina Davis writes, “Matthews infuses the sonnet form with a folksy acoustic and bucolic slang, mixed with the kind of tenderness, vulnerability and knowing you found find in a Shakespearean jester.”

This collection of sonnets also features fresh comics by Shannon Wheeler (Too Much Coffee Man) and Micah Farritor (White Picket Fences). Order now from  the Cooper Dillon store!

The PANK 5 Lineup

pankcover lores


The Man Who Says Shhhhh by Deb Olin Unferth

A Dainty Network of Bones by Lucas Southworth

Last Dance at Poplar Ridge by Emily Kiernan

Caterwaul by xTx

Sacrifice for Higher Wisdom by Sheldon Lee Compton

When You Throw Your Particles at Me and He’d Leave Her Notes in Code by Kaitlin Dyer

A Back Piece by S.J. Fowler

My Heart Is Its Own Gristle Machine by Marcus Wicker

An Ouroboros by Christopher Phelps

All These the Violent Children (An Episode of Mutiny) by J.A. Tyler

How to Make Amends by Michelle Dove

Five Minutes in the Darkroom to Confirm All the Light Is Bound by Lindsey Drager

Continue reading

2011 1,001 Awesome Words Contest Results

We received entries from 70 writers, many of whom sent in two or three pieces.  We read a great many stories, poems and work that truly defied categorization.  Our winner is a new-to-us writer but there are also familiar names among our runners up and on the short list.  Thank you, very much, to all who entered. Our decisions were difficult, but we fell in love with three stories in particular and even decided to grant a third place prize. Stay tuned for our next contest with a very special guest judge, coming in 2011!

Winner ($650, Publication in PANK 5)
Liana Jahan Imam, Mine Mine Mine

2nd Place ($150, Publication in PANK 5)
Lauren Becker, The Apple Dress

Third Place ($50, Publication in PANK 5)
Lauren Wheeler, Chinese Stores

The Shortlist (Publication in the March 2011 issue of PANK online)
Amber Sparks A Brief Fire to Light the World Clean
Desmond Kon Message in a Pointilist Bottle
Lydia Ship Rooftop Valkyrie
Tania Hershman That Small Small Inch
Kristina Born The Village Called Hurty
Robert Swartwood Crash Test Dummy
Robert Swartwood The Lonely Life of a Tertiary Character



Our friends at Ampersand Books are publishing a unique anthology entitled Re:Telling: An Anthology of Borrowed Premises, Stolen Settings, Purloined Plots, and Appropriated Characters. Consider contributing to this project which includes the work of several PANK contributors. Giving is good.

RE:TELLING is an anthology of stories, poetry, and art edited by William Walsh, built around recycled material: purloined plots, stolen settings, appropriated characters, and borrowed premises featuring work by some of the independent publishing world’s favourite, most talented writers. Michael Martone traces the traces of Borges in Indiana and Matt Bell wonders what Mario thinks between re-sets, Joseph Riippi takes German lit personally, and Kathleen Rooney & Lily Hoang spin a love triangle of Biblical proportions. Also featuring work from Michael Kimball, Jim Ruland, Samantha Hunt, and Pedro Ponce, RE:TELLING is an homage, a subversion where nothing is off-limits. Whether it’s Shakespeare or Law and Order, children’s stories or yesteryear’s sitcoms, each piece is a fresh ransacking of our cultural troves, recreated, and made new.


We are being attacked at every front. False religions and anti-Christian beliefs are taking over our World. If we don’t act now the Christian society will become the minority. We need to get back to the basics and bring the family back to those values that have stood true for over 2000 years.
Stand up and take a stand for The Christian Way of Life!

Kickstart Pop Serial #2

Stephen Dierks has aunched a Kickstarter to fund Issue 2 of Pop Serial, a new, truly exciting magazine out of Chicago. He is trying to raise $1,000 or more in 21 days. The first 100 people to donate $10 or more are guaranteed a copy of this limited-edition magazine. The Kickstarter essentially functions as a pre-order—in, win!

The line-up of writers includes: Tao Lin, Noah Cicero, Sam Pink, Heather Christle, Daniel Bailey, Brandi Wells, Ben Brooks, Prathna Lor, Kendra Grant Malone, Matthew Savoca, Brandon Scott Gorrell, Audun Mortensen, Frank Hinton, Ana C., Jordan Castro, Cassandra Troyan, Cody Troyan, Miles Ross, David Fishkind, Brittany Wallace, Andrew James Weatherhead, Carrie Lorig, Feng Sun Chen, Megan Boyle, Brett Gallagher, Steve Roggenbuck.

For more about Pop Serial, please visit their website.

Matt Salesses' OUR ISLAND OF EPIDEMICS coming at you!

OURISLANDcover-loresProduction has been produced, the printers dance concluded, shipments shipped and received and without further ado we release to you Matt Salesses’  Our Island of Epidemics, a PANK Little Book we are exceedingly proud of. The first printing is fast flying to the four winds—get some while ye may. Pre-orderers, mailings go out this week so oil your mitts and prepare to receive.

In addition, Matt may well be reading in a city near you. Stalker, fan or both, find him on the following dates in the following places:

10/22 at KGB Bar in NYC (Monkeybicycle Lightning Round)
10/28 at Trident Booksellers in Boston, MA
11/1 at the Armory in Somerville, MA (Arts at the Armory)
11/7 at Abe’s Bar in Providence, RI (Cousins Reading Series)

Buy Our Island of Epidemics. Read Our Island of Epidemics. Love Our Island of Epidemics.

Matt Salesses’ OUR ISLAND OF EPIDEMICS coming at you!

OURISLANDcover-loresProduction has been produced, the printers dance concluded, shipments shipped and received and without further ado we release to you Matt Salesses’  Our Island of Epidemics, a PANK Little Book we are exceedingly proud of. The first printing is fast flying to the four winds—get some while ye may. Pre-orderers, mailings go out this week so oil your mitts and prepare to receive.

In addition, Matt may well be reading in a city near you. Stalker, fan or both, find him on the following dates in the following places:

10/22 at KGB Bar in NYC (Monkeybicycle Lightning Round)
10/28 at Trident Booksellers in Boston, MA
11/1 at the Armory in Somerville, MA (Arts at the Armory)
11/7 at Abe’s Bar in Providence, RI (Cousins Reading Series)

Buy Our Island of Epidemics. Read Our Island of Epidemics. Love Our Island of Epidemics.

Help Knee Jerk Magazine Go Offline

A note from our fine friends at Knee Jerk Magazine:



Knee-Jerk is a literary journal that publishes new fiction and creative nonfiction by both emerging and established writers; interviews with established writers and artists on craft and process; and Reviews of Things, humorous reviews of anything at all that function as essays-in-disguise. Since July 2009, we’ve published quality content every month, online at www.kneejerkmag.com. While we will continue to do so, we’re also expanding into print with the first of what will be an annual print edition, Knee-Jerk Offline Volume 1, featuring over 200 pages of all new content from some of our favorite writers and artists (including Joe Meno, Harold Ramis, Mary Hamilton, Greg Fiering, Billy Lombardo, Lindsay Hunter, Kim Chinquee, David Shields, Zoe Zolbrod, Jack Pendarvis, and a whole lot more).

The issue is in the final design stages and we’re trying to raise funds to help with our printing costs. And we’d like to ask for your help. And, of course, we wanna make it worth your while.

For example, for a $10 donation, you’ll get a copy of the print edition when it’s released in December. That’s $4 less than it’ll be going for online or in bookstores later. Pretty good deal, right?

For a larger donation, we’ll thank you with, well, even larger gifts.

We need to raise $1000 by December 1st to be funded through Kickstarter.com. And we know we can do it with your help. Every dollar is appreciated and every donation over $5 is not only appreciated but rewarded!

Please check out the site to, if nothing else, make fun of our ridiculously amateur video (hey, we’re writers, not directors) and to find out about Knee-Jerk Offline Volume 1’s fantastic contributors.

Help us HERE or type the following into your browser:

Thanks for your support!