My grandfather is used to smog, the days
so humid heat curls off the pavement
like smoke.
Arm Candy
Fiona Helmsley
“I want to tell you something, Fi-fi,” she says, leaning in and over, her cinnamon breath on my face, and the peaks of her new breasts visible under my Miley Cyrus tank top which will never be the same. It’s a tiny bathroom.
The World in Your Throat
Cassandra Powers
I. You first meet the ornithologist at the arboretum, in the shade of the hummingbird garden, on a warm desert spring day. The hummingbirds whir above your head. They are iridescent bullets; they chase each other, perch briefly on the red feeders only to be chased off again, then replaced. Thin, metallic whistles.
Three Poems
Gary Dop
In the library’s sunless depths,
endangered miniscule fish,
each a single scale of crystalline flesh,
cling to the hungry body
of our past, feed on forgotten thought.
Tilt for Me Please
Claire Eder
With its own mind my tongue wants to love the hygienist’s tiny picks I milk the rest of my sure insurance to have a bite splint made (for I am going out into a place where there will be gnashing of teeth) the hygienist asks if I’ve started on my Great American Novel and I’m
Hannah Baggott
southern summers sleep on the surface of our skin humidity
singing here is the church here is the steeple we keep opening
things that were never closed to begin with like the mouth you
know kissing is just a desire to smell the pheromones on the
neck like how a performance artist asphyxiated in the dumpster
and immediately began decomposing of course
For the Both
E. K. Gordon
Fred had been fooling with dimplechin homecoming king Pat Martin since, he claimed, eighth grade, but he had never had done to him what he let Levi Weaver do.
Course Contents
Nicelle Davis
Course Contents is a collage poem made from images and texts taken from a two volume binder set of a 1960’s charm school teacher. Her 9 week class divided into 6 lessons: make-up, wardrobe, figure control, visual poise, personality, and voice.
Dead Mouse
Caroline Macon
There is a teeny tiny dead mouse on the back porch. He died about three days ago and looks corpsier every time I pass by. Days are long, life is long, everything is destined to decay, et cetera.