He honks his horn only after he’s parked his car and is walking away. I can’t recognize her voice from a distance, but I can recognize a TV’s. Jean-Paul Sartre: “I do not mean that when I chose between a cream pastry and a chocolate eclair, I am choosing in anguish.
Agrarian Sex (Hey, Rube)
Geordie deBoer
Snippets: Horizontal Barn-dance —moonlight-slice across barn floor, Johnson’s Miller-little-sister-fuck, skin, bone, pale white, performance-silent, shame-feeling for my want, but scared to… —she passes note, sit with me on school-bus, panty-less feel-up, note-drop, teacher-find, principal-pass, no-nonsense paper-trail… “barn-meeting, hand between her thighs, said she always wanted me, teased about once passing up easy lay, unchanged in
The View From “Mr. Rockefeller”
Sutherland Douglass
Finding himself imprisoned beneath the ground in Boston-Mass., the conman “Clark Rockefeller” couldn’t help but understand: That {with his own two hands shoved for years down his pants} he’d quite literally diddled away his life up till then.
Dear Friend
Dave Housley
Dear Friend, Do you know that there are only 500 Siberian tigers left in the world? These majestic animals once roamed free in packs of twenty or more, the kings of the dense Russian forest.
C’mon, Get Happy
Stephanie Johnson
So far, the baby’s a one-hit wonder. He says puppy and, even though we don’t own a dog, my wife cheers. Already keen for female attention, the baby says it again “Puppy puppy puppy” and the vicious cycle continues, him babbling and her clapping.
Anna in the Free-Floating World
Carolyn Kegel
Anna was a small girl who had caused a lot of trouble for her family. They did not know where she was. Anna did not know where she was either. She was eighteen years old and she was in her car, somewhere in America.
are you aware that your illness affects your mind and your body?
Thomas Patrick Levy
I am aware that my body is part of my mind and that it is stretched tightly over a roll-cage of stone-colored metal. In the morning, even when I am an illness, you wake from the dry mussel of my body you’ve wrap your arms around.
are you aware that your illness affects your mind and your body?
Amy McDaniel
April passed, a blanket of medium days. Linda was reading for pleasure when the telephone rang. It was her accountant, Terry.
The seven strongest men in town
Carrie Murphy
say I’m a perfect doll, say I’m a tiny queen. They stand around with strong shoulders and spit darts. They say I can’t drive in heels, even if I practice. They crunch cans with their pinkies and know how to punch. They say I should keep my lights on, and cradle a baseball bat.
Joseph Murphy
First you die, and then I do. It’s not that I don’t trust you, but they’ll think this was all my idea that way. You thought of that, remember? I don’t mind. I’ve never minded. Also, it’ll be easier on you this way; don’t think I don’t know that.
Alec Niedenthal
Some days before something stabbing was pressed against my chest, I connected with the girlfriend. We watched the other dissolve in on the screen, set by the sights of two strongly pixelated webcams. My laptop glowed as its eye a green light, by whose gaze I knew how to angle and fold myself correctly.
Girl: A Guide for the Uninformed
Ani Smith
__________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction: About Girl If you have the opportunity of Girl you should take it. If you have the opportunity of the experience of Girl you don’t hesitate you dive in with your whole anatomy and some mind; enough tenderness to grant her respite, but not so much she becomes a doily.
Janey Smith
My kitten is furry and has a spot—that looks like a bruise Frederick gave me for Christmas—just below its eye. Frederick says something like “blow job,” and I just sit there watching TV. He storms out of the room, taking heavy steps. He disappears into the hallway.