9.8 / August 2014

A Modern Girl’s Guide to Childbirth

You will be deep in the throes of labor when your husband deposits you at the entrance of a downtown hospital.

Tony’s Hat Lies Disused and Vulnerable

Before the incident with Tony’s hat, the most exciting thing to happen in Horseshoe Trailer Park was the installation of my new swing set.

Miriam Splitting

Her diamond’s a mind that bursts like a light bulb: epic, inept and etched onto window panes around the world

Four Poems

Under firecracker eyes rheumy nostrils flare in your rearview mirror

Two Stories

When Athena shows up on your doorstep it’s...disturbing.

It’s Best Not to Interrupt Her Experiments

Just because she skips class doesn’t mean she’s out back smoking cigarettes with the badboy going nowhere fast for all his big talk.

The Rat by Sólrun Michelsen

He usually leaves it in the garden. Covers it with mulch.

Five Poems

Blue sunlight, fields dilated       a little ghost creation sent ahead               to wreck the field daisies from their stems

When We’re Free, We’re Free

A moment is an old aluminum bowl, squatting down to eat. A volunteer in a relief-camp. Scooping up a spoonful of khichuri. Consistency like water. Yellow like shit.

Love Like Cheeto Residue That Never Comes Off The Fingers

The nails started popping out of the ceiling like rain. Just pop, pop, pop, all in a row.

Two Poems

i pledge allegiance to the already fallen snow & to the snow now falling. to the old snow & the new.

Four Poems

The approach to the library from the sea was a rich carpet of mud.