what one eats is destroyed and no
longer real – a grievous error
on earth but in heaven one
consumes & is consumed by god
{muscularly not our}
god & god’s
will to seize us
{Ecclesia 1}
my dove in the cleft of the rock
my hiding place my city
the beginning of my face, your face
is the beginning
of recall & grace
is a grove
of almond trees blooming is books
there are many & their endings like bodies
are wearisome
you say better a day of naissance
than the insatiable stimming of eyes
when I applied my madness
of erasure
{windthrows woman throws}
no one was long remembered
I am a fool
or wise & this too is semantics
god lays such burden on us-eternity
in our hearts inconceivable our skins
to fathom the doings & daily
here is reverence: belief in all things
possibled & dying
better are mouthfuls
of tranquility than wingfuls
of toil & wind & cords
restlessly snapping
this all comes without meaning
the way you depart in darkness
& in darkness your name
is shrouded
better what the eye
sees when the almond tree blooms
when the skin drags itself
along & desire is no longer stirred
death determination
_________ = ______________
nothingness life
{Ecclesia 2}
my dove is a cleft of rocks hiding
in cities in places beginning
with faces begging for cognizance
& grace
groves of almond trees
bloom & books bloom & there
there are many endings of bodies
{wearisome bodies}
beating a day of dying
I’m stimming
death is insatiable
like an eye half-applied
for madness half for erasure
& wind throws & we throw & no
syntax is long remembered
such a burden on eternity living with god
in our hearts our unconcealed skins
feature the daily doings
it’s possible reverence is nothing
but a belief in dying
in all things a toll
a dovetail of toil a fistful of wind
the cords of tranquility spurring
a way without meaning departs in darkness
dark shrouded a name for dark eyes betters
the almond eye blossoms & trees drag
their desires to the sad bins of rot
cast your bread upon water
cast your returns
upon the weary
the dead
perfume of flies
is an error spelling her dark names
in dark books & light books
& relenting
her cavernous rest
{three angels canting}
1. we wait for god and god’s will waits to seize us
2. god my brute necessity
is perfectly
3. if
god wants me god will
find me