8.08 / August 2013

in come the wineries

“in come the wineries” is a sound work composed of recordings connected with the Timber Wars in Northern California and the May 24, 1990 bombing of environmental activist and labor organizer Judi Bari. Recordings include radio and television broadcasts, lectures, speeches, interviews and depositions. “in come the wineries” is part of a larger effort to develop and compose with a library of voices expressing/enacting differing viewpoints and emotions around the cutting of California forests. A portion of a parallel body of work concerning incarceration, “dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y,” appeared in issue 32 of The Collagist.

[wpaudio url=”/audio/8_8/Wineries.mp3″ text=”listen to this piece” dl=”0″]

For assistance, support and motivation in relation to this work, I am indebted to KMUD, KPFA, Pacifica Archives, Freedom Archives, Alternative Tentacles, Earth First!, Humboldt State University, Jaydn DeWald, Cole Cuchna, Angela White, Pat Wenger and Carmela Wenger.

d. is an artist and author whose work has appeared or is forthcoming in *Silk Road Review*, *Birkensnake*, *Fringe*, *The Collagist*, *Tattoo Highway* and other places. He is a graduate of the University of California, Davis and the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. He is located in Portland, Oregon.
8.08 / August 2013