5.03 / March 2010

On The Occasion of a Felonious Assault on My Heart

it’s a love poem you say,
as you stab out your cigarette on my appendix.
[vestigial, only suited for the stinging
caused by the eyelids and cityscapes of ex-lovers.]


lachrymose, pulsating
lakes shoring up diary pages.
[i pray for a groundswell to hemorrhage the ink,
to leach her from your repertoire.]

Deviation of the Chaste

I. somewhere along the line, i realized that
a. purity feels like inattention
b. i am an animal full of rhythm
c.  i twitch like ashtray grave
clinging to dead cigarettes

II. pornographic intent leads to pockets full of enlightenment
a. the restless fulcrum softens with impatient breathprint