a skull floats up from the pond and makes a sound like a gull
shriek to warn me I have stood here too long when it dies
back into the water it leaves silence all around and reedstems
like boiled femurs leaning away such provocation
is needed to pull a man open to expose his earthmeat
anyone can understand a skull even the seeds in my pocket
are cracking awake I can feel the long scar around my neck
glowing the dock underneath my feet
melting into rust god in his inestimable wisdom is on the side
of the big battalions instead of my one gashable body he would
have preferred fifty now my shoes are soaking through
now the math seems obvious blue water plus yellow sun equals
green plants it’s almost too simple to speak I am inconsolable I need
pondfoam and boxed wine in a coffee mug or soothing
saffron and bay leaves I need to be poured dry instead of this slow
seeping it hurts to even think about the leak in my brain
where brackish water trickles in and memory trickles out
with what do I mend a hole like that answer me with what
Kaveh Akbar founded and edits Divedapper. His poems appear recently or soon in American Poetry Review, Tin House, Boston Review, FIELD, PBS NewsHour, and elsewhere.