Ask the Author: Bill Yarrow

You can enjoy some really interesting work from Bill Yarrow in the July issue and he gives us some wisdom about the dearth of Satan in or lives, spiritual shell games, and love rituals.

1. Why is no one ever Satanless?

Because not enough of us are godless.

Blake said “Brothels are built with the bricks of religion.” Similarly, Satan is made out of the rib of God. They share the same DNA. No God, no Satan. It’s that easy. Too much God, too much Satan. Let’s get godless and forever put Satan to rest.

2. How would you play a shell game with spirituality?


3. If the devil lives in the house, how does God do a B&E into it?

The Devil doesn’t live in the house; he is the house. God, you’re right, was born a burglar, stealing here, stealing there, stealing constantly. Even John Donne would agree, he’s all about, breaking and entering.

4. What number are you?

Number 9. Number 9. Number 9. Number 9.

5. Before making love, do you consult a pre-written list of moves you enjoy performing?

No, I usually just shave.