If you don’t know Narrow House, you should. If you don’t know which Narrow House, Chris Mason’s forthcoming HUM WHO HICCUP. If you don’t know Chris Mason, let’s learn to. If you haven’t read HUM WHO HICCUP, let me say: it is an enchantment, a spell of words, it is poetry poetry & art as poetry & visual arrangment of poetry & remixing poetry. If you read HUM WHO HICCUP you will become lost in traps of words, a bear on a deadfall, only you won’t die but will instead lose blood, so much blood that you will hallucinate, & dream poetry, & the dream will be you holding hands with Chris Mason, wandering. If you don’t know how much: $13. If you can’t decide, the answer is yes. If pre-orders frighten you, relax. If you lust, go: HUM WHO HICCUP