Yet Another I Heart Moment…

From Ashley’s Desk:

In high school I became obsessed with the written word and began, one by one, reading everything of interest in my school library.  (Coming from a small leftover mining town, it didn’t take me long to exhaust the library’s offerings.)  One book living amongst the shelves was Bone Soup And A Lapland Wizard by Timo Koskinen, a native of Finland. The book is set in the rugged Keweenaw Peninsula – PANK territory – and the story shows us a world of two blue collar loggers, their struggles and how those struggles make them old before their time.  It’s evocative, memorable – yes I cried – and something that has stayed with me the during the six years I’ve been out of high school. I am happy to report that I am now a proud owner of my very own copy.  (Thanks to Amazon; sorry to disappoint those who thought I stole it.)

Read it, experience it, and heart it for yourself.