1. Things you should read:I Kept the Nickel by Lauren Becker, The Friends by BJ Hollars, Sponge by Andrea Kneeland, Cliff by Mel Bosworth, The Factory, An Elegy in 6 Parts by Rebecca Lehmann, and I Don’t Want to be In Captivity by Adam Moorad.
2. A movie you should see: Moon, starring Sam Rockwell.
3, A giveaway, heading into the weekend: Five paperback books of your choice from Dalkey Archive. First person to both e-mail their address to awesome at pankmagazine dot com AND leave a comment with the five paperback titles they want from DA, wins. If you’ve won a previous giveaway, so sorry, you can’t play.
4. The Printer’s Ball. Are you going?
5. Â A survey you should take if you teach any subject at the college level. You’d be helping me out, big time!