Melanie Browne has two poems in the September issue. Today, we discuss secession, Raymond Carver and fun times at Sea World.
1. How do you feel about Texas and secession?
I think at this point,  the term ‘secession’ is being used as  political rhetoric. I must say however, that I like Gov. Perry. He has done a good job as Governor.  Texas actually has a surplus state budget, so something is being done right. Texas has a long history of independence and many here support limited government intrusion in our lives.
2. What is your writing process?
I try to be open to the things around me. Snippets of conversations, ironies in American life,  the subtleties of nature,  and popular culture are all starting points. I try to synchronize  the things I see and hear around me. Life is really pretty hilarious, if you stop to think about it.
3. Are you a fan of Raymond Carver or do you only name check him in your poetry? How did Half-Price Mojitos come about?
I am a fan of Raymond Carver. I am a recent fan, as I only discovered his work in the past few years. I ran across a short story he wrote called “A small, good thing.”  It’s about  a baker and  some grieving parents, and how they end up helping one another. It was incredible. After I started writing poetry, I started reading some of his poems too. I was reading his poetry collection “all of Us” in my backyard when  a mosquito bit me. I live in Houston and they can get pretty bad after it rains. I remembered a sign I had seen on 1-10 advertising Mojitos for half price and that stuck in my head as being pretty funny. We also grow mint in a herb garden and were experimenting with the best Mojito recipe. I think  the Mojito is making a bit of a  come-back recently.
4. What was the last great collection of poetry you’ve read?
It was  a John Ashbury book, Where Shall I Wander. I also enjoy the Outlaw Bible of American Poetry. I sometimes find the most interesting poetry online at various journals like PANK.  Myspace and Facebook has some excellent writers too, that post their work.  I also like to occasionally support the small press by purchasing chapbooks. I am a co-editor at Leaf Garden Press, and we just put out a chapbook by Changming Yuan called Chansons of a Chinaman. I received my copy in the mail yesterday. Excellent poet.
5. What do you want to see most at Sea World?
I have been to Sea World with my kids a few years ago. So I will be making a return visit  because my daughter is begging me too.
I loved the dolphins, and  we got to see the whales from really close-up.  That was pretty cool. They are amazing creatures. So  smart,too.