Pindeldyboz, You Are Awesome

All things considered, it is very easy to start a literary magazine. It is infinitely more difficult to start and then sustain a great literary magazine and do so for ten years.  Pindeldyboz managed to do so with wit and grace. It is a  bittersweet moment,to read that on their tenth anniversary, they are bringing to magazine to an end.  They were one of the first literary magazines I ever read and I liked that the writing didn’t feel as… conservative as what I read in other magazines.    I have read incredible stories in Pindeldyboz and what I appreciate most is the range of stories and writing styles they have featured. As a writer, I am particularly grateful for Pindeldyboz because they took a chance on a story of mine that was a little different, where I was trying to do something new. We’re sad to see them go but so damn happy to have had the chance to read really great writing from them through the years.  They never seemed to limit themselves about what they could appreciate. Thank you, Whitney Pastorek and everyone who ever had a hand in making Pindeldyboz the fine magazine it is and will always be.