The hot July issue of Word Riot includes Kirsty Logan, Adam Moorad, Michelle Reale, Greg Gerke, and others. Aaron Burch is interviewed by Timmy Waldron in the same issue and talks about How to Take Yourself Apart, How to Make Yourself Anew.
Greg, by the way, is having a week because he also has stories in Annalemma and Necessary Fiction.
Ocean Vuong and Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz are featured in Muzzle.
At the Flip Collective, enjoy the awesome The Spin Class and Other Egocentricities by Brian Oliu.
Sean Lovelace brings some drug talk to Metazen.
On the Best American Poetry blog, Kathleein Heil writes about how Spain is different.
The new issue of Writer’s Bloc, with its impeccable design, includes writing from Robert Swartwood, Greg Gerke, and Tia Prouhet.
Frigg has debuted the beautiful Summer 2010 issue which includes Ethel Rohan, Tim Tomlinson, and Jeanann Verlee.
Congratulations to Valerie O’Riordan who won the 2010 Bristol Prize.
Melissa Broder’s The Poet is a Scarecrow recently appeared at The Huffington Post.
In the new issue of The Newport Review, Meg Pokrass has a story and some poems.
Canaries, by ZZ Boone, appears in the Summer issue of Lit N Image.
At Fried Chicken and Coffee, Give Up and Go Home, Jasper, by Charles Dodd White is up.
This week, Matchbook brings very short fiction and critical thought from Greg Gerke, with The Iron.
The 2nd July issue of The Foundling Review has a story from Andrew Roe.
Issue One of the Coming Envelope includes prose from Lily Hoang.
You can read Carrie Murphy’s e-chapbook, Stick Pink, at Gold Wake Press.
Kyle Minor has a really wonderful essay at The Rumpus about the Church, sexuality and so much more.
David LaBounty’s Answer appears at Everyday Poets.
Don’t forget you can pre-order Mel Bosworth’s Grease Stains, Kismet and Maternal Wisdom, out soon from Aqueous Books.
Kirsty Logan’s Renfield at the Stereo Bar can be read at Flatmancrooked.
Jesse Bradley has a book coming out and that book has an awesome cover. Check it out and get hyped: