We Nominate Because We Care

We nominate our writers for everything we can whenever we can so their work can receive the added recognition it deserves. Below are our nominees for the Best of the Web 2011 and the Puschart Prize. We knew ye when!

Our Pushcart nominees for this year:
Emily Rosko, From Weather Inventions, PANK 4
Jennifer Pieroni, Unlucky Babies, PANK 4
Karen Gentry, Denial in Miniature, PANK 4
Matt Bell, Mantodea, PANK 4
Peter Schwartz, Anonymous Confessions 1-24, PANK 4
xTx Do You have a Place For Me?, June 2010

Our nominees for Best of the Web 2011:
Jenny Bitner, Is This Part of the Love Ritual?
Nick Kocz, Dining by Candlelight
Ocean Vuong, The Prodigal Son’s Lament