Who has a chapbook? xTx has a chapbook. He is Talking to the Fat Lady will be released on November 15. You want this chapbook, I assure you. She also wrote the honest, quite touching and insightful  introduction to the new issue of >kill author. In that issue, you will find words from contributors  Ani Smith, Donora Hillard, J. Bradley, Joseph Goosey, Mel Bosworth, Erik Wennermark, Ravi Mangla, and last but never least, JA Tyler.
Things get referential at Referential with a story by Erin Fitzgerald.
At Booth, Aaron Burch, where things are Overcast.
In Wigleaf, a prayer from Sara Crowley.
Ryan Bradley has a story, Like Swimming, up at Atticus Books.
American Fiction’s Miss October is the one and only Lydia Ship. Read her story. It’s fantastic.
New month, new editor at Everyday Genius and new Brian Oliu which kind of rhymes with new.
Mud Luscious 13 includes Thomas Patrick Levy, CL Bledsoe and others.
Mel Bosworth’s Grease Stains, Kismit and Maternal Wisdom rides again. This charming novella will be re-released by Brown Paper Publishing this November.
Enjoy poetry from Bob Hickok in Guernica and a review of his work in the Boston Review.
At Pig in a Poke, a short story from Laurence Klavan.
Elizabeth Hildreth has a new blog and it is exactly what you would expect from a writer of her caliber–engaging, witty, and smart.
Hobart. Jamie Iredell. More from the Book of Freaks.
Word of the Ancient City, in its waning days, comes from Chantel Tattoli and Sheldon Lee Compton.
The third issue of Corium includes writing from Alec Bryan, Tara Laskowski,Joe Kapitan, Â Â Randall Brown, Katie Jean Shinkle, Erin Fitzgerald, Steve Himmer, Ben Loory, JA Tyler, Amorak Huey, and all artwork by Peter Schwartz.
Check out Collaborative Destruction by Adam Moorad and Ana C.
The exceptional Robb Todd has a story in Blip Magazine.
New JMWW, Fall 2010, lots of great reading including work from David Peak, Scott Garson,
The October issue of decomP includes Randall Brown, Annam Manthiram,Kyle Hemmings, and other fine writers.
Glitter Pony has new words and also a big cow. You’ll have to go see to get it. There are not one but two poems from Amy McDaniel, five poems from JA Tyler, and much more.
The new month also brings freshly served elimae with writing from JA Tyler in the form of a review, Mike Meginnis, Eric Beeny.
Matt Bell’s How They Were Found was reviewed in The Believer. You want this book so get thee to Keyhole and buy the book now.
Dark Sky has a gorgeous new design and lots of news. Their first print issue will be released in November and you can read stories from Jensen Beach, Gabe Durham, Jac Jemc, Molly Gaudry, Mel Bosworth, RA Allen, Elisa Gabbert, and others. Â Starting on 10/15, you can order Cut Through the Bone, a fantastic (I’ve read it) short story collection from Ethel Rohan. Check out the book trailer, too.
At Sleep.Snort.Fuck, Blue Ribbon by J. Bradley.
Seriously, though, go buy Matt’s book.
Speaking of men named Matt with books, Our Island of Epidemics has a swank website (though we perhaps use the term”swank” a bit loosely) Â and you want to buy the book, so go ahead and do that while it is still available.