Don’t Be Frightened, These Are Only Words, Words For You

Our Queer Issue, edited by Tim Jones-Yelvington, is live. Check it out.

Karamaneh by James Tadd Adcox appears at Metazen.

Check out Octopus #14 where you will find Molly Gaudry and other lovely poets. Molly is also interviewed at Fringe Magazine.

Sheeldon Lee Compton has a story at Dog Eat Crow.

The October issue of The Collagist includes writing from Mary Hamilton (who also has a story up at Everyday Genius), and reviews by Mike Meginnis and JA Tyler.

Enjoy two stories from Ethel Rohan up now at Guernica. She also has a story, Illustrated Girl,  in Fringe Magazine.

Desmond Kon has four poems in Wag’s Revue.

The September issue of Word Riot includes Lisa Aldin, Lacey Martinez, Christina Murphy, Annam Manthiram, Eric Burke, Feng Sun Chen, Kenneth P. Gurney, Corey Mesler, and so much more. Eric also has a poem in qarrtsiluni.

At Metazen, two fictions from Peter Schwartz and an interview.

Issue 25 of La Petite Zine, “Freaky Freeze,” has poetry from JA Tyler and others.

In Short, Fast, and Deadly, you can find writing from Chloe Caldwell.

Brian Oliu is keeping busy with a piece in the Curiosity Quarterly. Brian also has work in Caketrain 8 where he is joined by Blake Butler, Nick Ripatrazone, J.A. Tyler,  Corey Zeller and many others. Pre-order this gorgeous looking issue as soon as you can.

The October 2010 issue of Storyglossia includes Donna Vitucci and Brad Green.

Some new flash fictions have been posted at DOGZPLOT including Alexandra Isacson, David Peak, and others.

Joe Wilkins has two poems in the latest issue of Cave Wall. He is joined by Jillian Weise and others.

Check out a great interview with Paula Bomer at Publisher’s Weekly.

Fiction from J. Bradley is up at A-Minor.

Prime Number Magazine’s new issue includes Anne Leigh Parrish, Nick Ripatrazone, and more fine writers.

Steve Himmer’s Boatmen is up at Wigleaf.

At Necessary Fiction, a story from Bonnie ZoBell.

Everyday Genius. MAN! So good this month and they published Elaine Castillo, a contributor to our October issue.

Tania Hershman writes of The Family at Metazen.