What These Words Really Want Is Theme Music Because They Are That Bad Ass

Congratulations to Myfanwy Collins for winning the Flatmancrooked fiction prize for 2010.

xTx’s chapbook, He’s Talking to the Fat Lady, is now available from Safety Third Enterprises. Buy it now.

There’s a really fantastic interview with Steven Himmer on the Atticus Books (his forthcoming novel’s publisher) blog.

Over at Everyday Genius, there’s an equally fine interview with Jen Michalski.

Ravi Mangla has four micros at The Outlet. Get plugged in!

Notnostrums 5 inclues Ben Fama.

New Dogzplot! Kevin O’Cuinn!

Volume 2 Issue 1 of the Medulla Review features Rae Bryant, Alexandra Isacson, Sheldon Lee Compton, and others.

A memoir excerpt from Amye Archer is featured this week at Glass Cases, the website of agent extraordinaire, Sarah LaPolla.

There’s a poem by Joseph Quintela up at Bananafish.

Chantel Tattoli tackles 1589 at For Every Year.

There’s a really interesting profile of soccer player Fernando Torres written by Jennifer Juneau for The Bleacher Report.

Listen to Robert Swartwood (nee Smartwood) discussing Hint Fiction on NPR! Yes! NPR!

A new poem by Len Kuntz appears at The Camel Saloon.

Lemon, by Jennifer Spiegel, is featured in Switchback. She is joined by Joseph Celizic.

The November issue of the Collagist includes an excerpt from Lambs of Men by Charles Dodd White, an introduction to a classic reprint by Blake Butler, and fiction from Andrew Borgstrom and others. Nick Kocz also reviews Our Island of Epidemics. BUY THE BOOK!

Read this essay by Brian Oliu in the Used Furniture Review. And submit your writing to them too.

Keyhole 10 is available for pre-order. You can read work from James Tadd Adcox and Ben Loory.

The newest issue of NANOfiction is also available featuring Mat Bell, Doug Paul Case, Scott Garson, Luke Geddes, Kirsty Logan, Sean Lovelace, Sara Lippmann, Nick Sansone, Katie Jean Shinkle, Eugenia Tsutsumi, Desmond Kon, and others. Get it for $7.

Matt also has a story in the new issue of Conjunctions 55, Urban Arias, and you can read that story online.

Brad Green shines the Dark Sky spotlight on the one, the only, THE Ryan W. Bradley.

If you couldn’t be there, you can watch J. Bradley’s set from the InDigest 1207 Reading Series in NYC this past weekend. He also has a story at Small Doggies.

Rae Bryant’s Solipsy Street is up at Metazen.

We also have November Word Riot to enjoy. Check out writing from well, no PANK contributors, but we thought we would mention it anyway.

The Fall 2010 issue of Blue Fifth Review includes Dennis Mahagin and Bill Yarrow.

Poetry from Eric Burke joins the Ante Review.

Four Room Hotel by Vallie Lynn Watson is up at Metazen.

In Union Station Magazine, a poem from one of our favorites, Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz. She is joined by Stevie Edwards. Cristin also has five poems in the Used Furniture Review where she is joined by Kyle Hemmings.

Dog Days by Jen Michalski is up at The Patapsco Review.

Blip Blip Blip Beep Beep Beep Janey Smith.