Now that you’ve eaten some delicious turkey, make some great food blog recommendations. Here’s what the fine folks at Creative Nonfiction Have to say:
Once again, Creative Nonfiction is seeking narrative blog posts to reprint in an upcoming issue. Since you were kind enough to nominate your favorite(s) in the past, we’re hoping you’ll help us out again.
There is a bit of a twist this time around; we’re looking for food blog posts to reprint in our upcoming Food issue. As usual, nominations should be 2000 words max and from 2010. Something from your own blog, from a friend’s blog, from a stranger’s blog.
We’re looking for: interesting, true stories that focus on food, including restaurant reviews; tales of meals gone awry; secrets, tips and kitchen short cuts; confessions from cooks, chefs and/or servers; an examination of the kitchen life; organic urban farming; and anything else food related. We are drawn to writing with a strong and compelling narrative; stories that reach for some universal or deeper meaning in personal experiences; and posts that can stand alone.
Deadline for nominations is Monday, November 29, 2010.
For more details and to nominate a blog post go here.