Jonterri Gadson has two poems in the Fall 2010 issue of Poetry Quarterly. You can find her work on pp. 28-29.
Ester Bloom writes about her father’s gun for Salon.
At Metazen, a truly lovely poem from Helen Vitoria. Metazen has a new side project, House Fire, where you can find fiction from Frank Hinton and Tyler Gobble.
Pear Noir 5 includes words from Kevin Catalano, Gabe Durham, Jen Michalski, and many more.
Lacey Martinez is on Facebook!
The February issue of deComp features Alan Stewart Carl, Tara Laskowski, Tyler Gobble, and others.
At Lake Effect, a poem from Josh Kleinberg.
The 15th anniversary edition (!!!) of elimae includes JA Tyler, Joe Kapitan, and Eric Burke.
In Asymptote, which is really nicely presented, you’ll find commentary from Molly Gaudry.
The February issue of Dark Sky Magazine includes Sheldon Lee Compton, Jen Michalski, and  James Valvis.
In February Hobart, three chapters from Katie Jean Shinkle’s novel in progress.