Monkeybicyle is looking for awesome writing, particularly for their online imprint. Send them brilliance. Full guidelines, here.
Annalemma 8: Creation
Only the most proficient of techies among us would be able to fix their mobile phone if it broke, or their computer screen if it blinked out. If your car was built in the last fifteen years then you wouldn’t be able to fix the steering system by looking it up at your local library. The age of the professional is over and has given way to the age of the specialist.
And every day we sacrifice knowledge of how things work for comfort of living. In the future, our ability to survive will hinge upon our ability to provide for ourselves, to build our own homes, to craft our own tools, to grow our own food, to reclaim our abandoned sense of imagination and creativity, instead of relying on companies and institutions to provide them for us.
With this in mind, Annalemma is dedicating an entire issue to making things. Annalemma Issue Eight: Creation will celebrate humankind’s capacity to think its way out of problems and conflict. It will focus on people who have been relying on their own ingenuity for some time and people who are trying to rediscover what it means to be a creator.
We’re looking for mostly nonfiction for this issue: Interview an artisan. Write an essay about how your newfound granola lifestyle has clashed with your loved ones. Profile a medicine man living in a 10×10 shack in North Carolina.
There will be a two to three spaces open for fiction, so the competition will be very stiff. If you’re looking to get published in the print issue the odds are in your favor for a nonfiction submission.