Ides, They March

The ever wonderful Jimmy Chen has this wonderful story, Sashimi Saturdays, to offer.

Desmond Kon has new poetry.

Kyle Minor tells an Origin Story at Metazen.

At Abjective, a poem by Ricky Garni.

Wonderfort continues to be wonderful with a new poem by Peter Schwartz.

The new issue of Kneejerk includes a list from Andrea Kneeland.

Brad Green interviews Matthew Simmons at Dark Sky Magazine. In other interview news, here’s a great interview with the one and only Paula Bomer, Mel Bosworth at Smalldoggies, and one with David LeGeault at The Collagist blog.

The Ramshackle Review’s latest issue includes poetry by Shannon Peil, Amorak Huey (and again and again), Robert MacDonald, and Bill Yarrow and fiction by Barry Basden and Sheldon Lee Compton and finally, nonfiction by Nicole Monaghan.

Stace Budzko confesses for Grub Street Daily.

At Divine Street Quarterly, a poem from James Valvis.

There’s a new magazine, Timber, which includes writing from BJ Hollars.