Carina Finn’s “#11” from the April Issue is here.
1. Are you a Twitter thug?
I’m not sure what a twitter thug is. I like twitter, sometimes; sometimes I forget that it exists. I like it because it feels like the right venue for posting the random things that happen to me and that I think, and because I am very vain I feel these things and thoughts should be made public.
2. What is your hashtag?
3. Who are your favorite experimental poets?
I don’t really know if “Experimental Poets” is a definable category of human. I think of my favorite poets in the following categories: Favorite Poets Who Are Dead & Favorite Poets Who Are Alive. I think being dead is probably more experimental than being alive so I’ll tell you my favorite dead poets: Sylvia Plath, John Donne, Gertrude Stein, Alexander McQueen.
4. Would your drug of choice be Michael Fassbender?
My drug of choice would be Betsey Johnson dresses with pink sapphires and a side of cocaine.
5. Where did this poem come from?
This poem came from my bed in South Bend, Indiana, in Notre Dame’s graduate student housing.
6. What exactly is a theory slut?
There are many types and varieties of theorysluts. A theoryslut is someone who pauses in the middle of taking your clothes off to criticize the specific translation of Nietzche’s Gay Science on the floor by your bed before fucking you. Someone with whom the trading of books can be more exciting than making out. Someone you can only sleep with when you’re wasted because your ideas about The American Literary Canon will never find a meeting place. Someone whose outfits are always a reference to either Judith Butler or The Supremes. Someone who only hangs out at dive bars and knows all of the lyrics to The Tenderland.