What is PANK?

Editorial assistant Ashley is not only industrious as the mistress of all things Facebook, she is curious and today she’s going to tell us all about what PANK means.

The Many Definitions of PANK, At Least According To Urban Dictionary.

Many people ask where PANK came from.   What does it mean? What is its significance? There are many definitions and   interpretations of the word.   There’s our mantra, our credo.   Good, yes, but I decided to delve a little deeper into the Internet (where all answers lie) and find out more. Here’s what urbandictionary.com told me. A few of the definitions kind of make your head cock to the side in a “say what?!” sort of way but what can you do.

Adj. The universal slang word encompassing all possible contexts and meanings.

This one needs no further explanation; it reaches exactly what we’re looking for in our own credo.

To gently, cutely, or kindly spank something or someone’s butt. Also known in some cultures as “tapping”

This is something the five PANKsters wish they’d get after the daunting months leading to the release of each print edition.   (Not from each other of course, that’d be sexual harassment.)

To flatten something down.

The second most common definition of our word.   Miners panked explosive powered into shot holes, which exploded, removing rock and copper from the hills of the Copper Country, the source of our up country.   It also means to pank the snow, something we get a lot of. And by a lot we mean A LOT, or in more conventional terms, more than 300 inches each year.

shorthand for getting “spanked”, as in losing by a landslide.

A fate we hope never befalls our people or our magazine.

human meat when eaten alive

Don’t really know about this one.

to hit with a shovel

The snow? A person? Small animals? Editorial Assistants? (Roxane says yes, definitely editorial assistants.)

(v.) To panic so intensely that when trying to write “panic”, your handwriting becomes so shaky and illegible that the resulting term reads: pank

Happens frequently.

Gourmet Japenese bread-crumb

Sounds tasty I’m hungry.