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Ten Tips for Landing a Writing Residency

Light Boxes, by Shane Jones, to be published by Penguin in 2010.

Secrets of the bestseller list.

A great interview with Richard Russo.

New issues of PANK, The Collagist, Bust Down The Door And Eat All The Chickens, >kill author, Dispatch Litareview, NOO Journal and Word Riot.

Creative Nonfiction is looking for narrative blog posts.

Some words of wisdom with regard to submissions.

Another self-published writer succeeds.

Via ASF, A compendium of books that only exist within other books.

A fantastic article about the fantastic Publishing Genius Press.

Anne Valente interviews Storyglossia editor and PANK contributor Steven McDermott.

USA Today looks into Twitter as a medium for the literary.

The Writer’s Market 2011 is looking for submissions.

Monkeybicycle editor, Steven Seighman, interviewed by Meg Pokrass.

The Writer’s Colony at Dairy Hollow is offering culinary writing fellowships. Eating and writing. Sounds too good to be true.

A hate mail dramatic reading project? Need more be said?

Some old Jews are telling jokes. They are awesome.

NPR is hosting a second short short fiction contest. Details are here.

Tim O’Brien on writing fiction.

How writers can save publishing.

Some optimism (which we share) about short stories.

Margaret Atwood has taken to the Internet! OMG. GTFO.

Very lovely bookcases.

Exciting things are coming. They start later today!