And Then There Were Words Which Begat Words and Unto Them Were Born More Words

We’re loathe to discuss this but both Matt and I as well as Elizabeth Hildreth and others are reading at the Book Cellar, tomorrow night, in Chicago, 7 pm. It’s a launch event for our friends at Artifice Magazine and we’re excited to help them celebrate their second issue.

Brad Green has a very short story, Hunger, in Blip Magazine.

Guess who has a starred review in Publisher’s Weekly? Paula Bomer, that’s who! And it is so very well deserved.

Matthew Salesses discusses the origins of Our Island of Epidemics at the JMWW blog.

Read Roland Goity in Gray Sparrow Journal where he is joined by Desmond Kon and Michelle Reale.

There is a new issue of Smokelong Quarterly with stories by Patrick Allen Carberry, Joe Kapitan,  Ben Loory, Annam Manthiram, Nick Ripatrazone, JA Tyler, and others.

At Ninth Letter, a four part story to which both Matthew Simmons and Sarah Laydens contributed.

Check out Joe Kapitan at Annalemma.

NOO Weekly has Corey Mesler and Corey Mesler and Kyle Hemmings.

Watch Matthew Kirkpatrick reading at the SLC Library. In the Ancient City at Necessary Fiction, Matthew Kirkpatrick uncovers another  artifact as does Kirsty Logan, Alan Stewart Carl, Erin Fitzgerald, and others.

At Dark Sky, Ethel shines her spotlight on the one and only Scott McClanahan.

Donal Mahoney brings up some poetry at New Wave Vomit.

Metazen is right up there for me with Everyday Genius (which, wow, this month is so different an interesting) and this week you can find a story from Kate Wyer.

New DOGZPLOT flash fiction including words from J. Bradley, David Peak, Lauren Becker, and others.

The Fall/Winter 2010 issue of West Branch includes poetry from Nick Ripatrazone.

This week, at LitSnack, Alexandra Isacson not once but twice.

Peter Schwartz writes a New World Love Poem at Sleep Snort Fuck.

Fringe Magazine has writing from Neil de la Flor and an interview.

Issue 3 of SpringGun includes words from Joshua Ware and Adam Moorad.

Congratulations to Matt Bell who not only has a story, Dredge, in Best American Mystery Stories 2010, his story His Last Great Gift was a “distinguished story of 2009” in Best American Short Stories 2010. I loved Dredge very much. You can read it online here.

At HTMLGIANT, a poem from Melissa Broder,entitled Supper.

New Yinzer Fiction features Jason Jordan again with his story Wolverine. Jason also has a story in Bananafish.

Are you familiar with Spine Road? I just got hip to this magazine recently and I’m really enjoying it. Read what they’ve got going on. Send them some good words.

Contributors collide when xTx reviews David Peak’s Museum of Fucked. Speaking of reviews, Ani Smith writes a sort of review of Rachel Glaser’s Pee on Water at We Who Are About to Die.

Out of Nothing, something–words from Adam Moorad and Maureen Alsop.