Brandi Wells’s Katy Gunn is up at Used Furniture Review.
A story by Chris Tarry is online at the Absent Willow Review.
In the latest issue of The Collagist you will find work from Melissa Broder, Nick Kocz (with Jenniey Talliman), and Jensen Beach among others.
New work from JA Tyler is featured at Staccato Fiction.
I love Ted Talks and Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz gave one in Philly not too long ago. Harriet even gave her talk a little write up.
Garrett Socol and Jen Knox both have work in Bartleby Snopes.
The Winter issue of JMWW includes Heather Fowler, Chris Heavener, and Mike Meginnis.
Sara Lippmann has a story up at Metazen.
Book of Revelations, by Adam Moorad, is available as a free e-book from Artistically Declined Press.
Speaking of e-books, J. Bradley has one too, from Caper Literary Journal.