
Although “Black History Month” is a more commonly known national-February-awareness raising calendar marker, this week in February, is also “National Eating Disorders Awareness Week” (Feb 22-29).

I felt this important “week” needed to be shared here on the PANK blog because as writers, we are all dealing with something.

In my personal writing, I tend to write about recovery….

So maybe this week and this website promoting this week doesn’t interest you at this time. But for me, it is nice to know that it is out there–that attention has been given to something many of us have struggled/are struggling with…


I’ll do the footwork, if you’ll continue regularly checking out our blog.

As I was waiting for the steam to drift from my freshly poured coffee, I found the following online that you just might want to check out for yourself.

1) The Top 5 New Literary Magazines were named yesterday. After you check them out, I think you should follow my lead and add the name of the journal you think should have been considered for the list (ahem, PANK) :

2) Want to see your name in print? Got some stuff worth sending out, or rather, that you’ve agnsted over for so long you have to get it out of your life? Check out “Suite 101’s” post on where to send your work. And good luck! :

3) Now for a little “fun” in the world of NONFICTION (the world, try as I might, to abandon but can’t). This is a post from MTV’s blog about how nonfiction books that liter the “buy one, get one half off” table at Borders or Barnes and Noble are now to take over the silver screen. Is this a yikes or a yippee? (I’m thinkin’ yikes) :

4) Last, but definitely not least is a tribute to ZINES! I too think we should honor this awesome form of art, self-expression, creativity, and punk-rock-like rebellion:

Oh, Chicago. . .

As we brace ourselves for the trek northward we must take a moment to massage the pangs in our low-backs after sitting for hours in silly little chairs devoid of lumbar support.

Thank you to the writers who stopped by table 631 to restore our faith in the human species and in the world of all things literary.

We look forward to the next 364 days before the next AWP– we need that long to recover and prepare for the. . . well, you know, you were there– I saw you, sitting on the stairs with your head between your knees and/or puffing your smokey-treat with vigor and delight.

Here’s a little link to a paying submission for writing that might make your day.


Thank you Chicago–my town, my car, my bed, and our magazine have never looked so good 🙂

“Shock Troop” author wins 25,000$ and gets some PR for literary non-fiction

Above is the link to the article about the winners winnings and below is an expert from the book.

The link on which this expert exists is at the bottom of the page.

An excerpt from Shock Troops: Canadians Fighting the Great War, 1917-1918 (Vol. II)

Those who could not see themselves as already dead, or their fate as sealed, had a harder time dealing with the lethal randomness of the war. Private George Bell, who served four years at the front before he stopped a bullet in the last months of the war, described his own sense of fatalism: “I had adjusted myself to the abnormal conditions under which we were living, one in which we were likely to meet death at any moment.” In a desperate bid to grasp life, soldiers embrace death. But death was not inevitable, regardless of the odds. And despite the deterministic attitudes that enabled men to carry out their duties, most trench soldiers hoped that a shell or bullet did not indeed seek them out. A popular tune among those in khaki, “The Bells of Hell Ring for You, but Not for Me,” summed up their perspective nicely. As part of this bravado, many men made light of their fears, often by renaming weapons of war with slang, and even referring to the dead as having “gone west” or having been “napooed.” Joking about the dead was a defence mechanism for the soldiers, and psychiatrists would have had the whole of the army on their couches if anyone had cared to investigate.

Trivializing and scoffing at death, normalizing the abnormal — all played their part in helping soldiers to cope. Such measures acted as a defence against death. It was hard for the men not to embrace this ghoulishness when they inhabited open graveyards: Corpses not only lay in No Man’s Land but jutted out from the trench walls. Front-line soldiers could be callous, even cruel to the unknown dead. “The boys used the shin bones as racks for their gas masks and canteens, and one of them made a point of combing and arranging the blond hair of a head,” wrote Gunner Ernest Black. Engaging in such gallows humour was another means of psychological survival. Charles Roy Grose of the 102nd Battalion, a farmer from Rossland, British Columbia, told the story of one hand that jutted from a communication wall: “Men used to walk by and joke, ‘Well, old timer, you are in a good place there.” Louis Keene described another grimly surreal image: “One man had the misfortune to be buried in such a way that the bald part of the head showed. It had been there a long time and was sun-dried. Tommy used him to strike his matches on. A corpse in a trench is quite a feature, and is looked for when the men come back again to the same trench.”

However, the constant presence of death was clearly not always a joking matter. The stench of rotting flesh assaulted the nostrils of men entering the front lines and could not easily be scoffed away. Private Frank Hasse of the 49th Battalion described the smell as “gut-emptying.” The reek of death came from No Man’s Land, filled as it was with corpses reduced to a cheese-like consistency by the elements. But the smell of decay also wafted out from the trench walls, where the dead had been interred.

Soldiers stood on corpses, stabbed shovels and pick axes through the dissolving remains, even slept next to them. They necessarily grew callous to the dead, and sometimes even to their comrades who were killed. Lieutenant J.S. Williams remarked rather casually in a letter home: “My batman had his head blown off. It’s extraordinary, really, what one can stand when one’s put to the test. Now, before I came here I had never seen a dead person in my life before, and yet I do not seem to feel badly about it.”

From Shock Troops, by Tim Cook. Copyright Tim Cook, 2008. Reprinted with permission of Penguin Group (Canada)

When everyday feels like “Groundhog Day” and you wonder how to spice up the mundane

Think about watching the show FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS– A show that has been helping me make it through the monotony of winter. “Flight of the Conchords” the show, which has recently begun it’s second season on HBO is just–odd, hilarious, fabulous…

Here is the HBO site to check out more.

Have you ever seen the show? If not, add it to your Netflix queue…

Appreciating Augusten Burroughs

The progam CBS “Sunday Morning” is often a source of inspiration for this fellow watcher.

This morning the show highligted non-fiction writer Augusten Burroughs, with several “experts” claiming that his work is fabricated. As a fellow product of a disfunctional family, I have been able to empathize with Burrough’s excentric tales. Feeling that even if some if it is “twisted” it is never-the-less competely possible that such events could have played out. And in the case of the extremely craziness reality can foster, it is impossible to make such events up–it can’t be done–it’s so crazy it has to be true.

Here is Burroughs’ website. Have a look-see for yourself….

what do you think of Burroughs?