“Happy Birthday to My Love in Barcelona,” by Andi Werblin
The box contained new Converse sneakers (too large), a cassette tape with The Spinanes on one side & Liz Phair on the other, & a thrift-store dress that fit, which was surprising.
There was a letter too that said in its way come back & also don’t, because I’m sleeping with someone else & we broke into your storage locker so she could borrow your bike.
The dress said he is very guilty. The sneakers naturally said run.
The cassette tape was all, remember his cool taste in music. You guys are so connected.
The letter didn’t say he was fucking her from behind. I read that later when I broke into his inbox.
I wore the letter to the party. The dress came too with its drab color.
The wine gave me cheekbones & my new friends gave me more wine.
The bottle said the night is young. You belong here. Stay.
ANDREA WERBLIN is the author of one previous book of poems, Lullaby for One Fist (Wesleyan University Press). She works as a freelance Copy Director, and writes about neuroplasticity, amateur pastry-chef adventures, and stretch pants. http://www.washington.edu/uwpress/search/books/WERSUN.html