Hay sol bueno y mar de espuma Some good sun & foamy sea

By Carolina Ebeid

Hay sol bueno
y mar de espuma
mar de espina
mar de espina
hay sol hay sol
i sol ha
isola sola sola

pájaro padre
buscar me

vaya vaya
sombre som
ber somber
pluma la pluma

Some good sun
& sea of foam
sea of thorn
sea of thorn
some sun some son
is land island
i land a lone lone

bird-feather father
search for me
search me
sea rch me

go on go on
little sun hat
sombre som
ber somber
plume the plume

Carolina Ebeid is a multimedia poet, faculty at the Mile-High MFA at Regis University, the bilingual MFA at the University of Texas El Paso, and Lighthouse Writer’s Workshop in Denver. Her first book You Ask Me to Talk About the Interior was published by Noemi Press as part of the Akrilica Series, and selected as one of ten best debuts of 2016 by Poets & Writers. Her work has been supported by the Stadler Center for Poetry at Bucknell University, Bread Loaf, CantoMundo, the NEA, as well as a residency fellowship from the Lannan Foundation. A longtime editor, she currently edits poetry at The Rumpus, as well as the multimedia zine Visible Binary.