Call for Submissions: Hot Metal Bridge

Submissions are now open! Deadline for our spring issue: March 14th at midnight (eastern standard time).


In the Spring issue of Hot Metal Bridge, we are highlighting Flash Fiction. Or Microfiction. Or Short Shorts, or whatever people are calling them now. Basically, we’re on the lookout for good stories under 1,000 words for a special section in our next issue. When submitting, please write “Publish my Awesome (shorter) Story” in the subject line.

Only write longer stuff? Don’t worry, we’d love to read your gorgeously written stories of up to 8,000 words as well. For these stories, please include “Publish my Awesome (longer) Story” in the subject line. Send all entries to fiction [at] hotmetalbridge [dot] org.

Besides length, what exactly are we looking for? We’re glad you asked:

We want literary fiction that is so well written, it has a magnetic pull.

Stories that make us want to stalk you online in the hopes of finding more of your fiction to read.

That get us fired up and make us want to write or read or create.

Intriguing. Inspiring. Inestimable.

We also pay special attention to stories from authors in and around the Pittsburgh area, stories that speak to and about us regionally. Hot Metal Bridge is committed to building a community of writers here in the Rust Belt, and publishing local work is important to us.

Lastly, we look for fiction that works well in an online format, that is well-paced, energetic, and tightly crafted. Since we try to engage only in light editing, your fiction should come to us already finished, spell-checked, and formatted correctly.


We are many, and our tastes differ, but it’s advisable to read the past issue before submitting. We welcome poetry submissions of five (5) pages or five (5) poems, whichever comes first. Please attach your submission as one document (we prefer .doc, but .docx .rtf or .pdf will all work) with your name appearing at the top of each page. E-mail subject heading should read “Spring Poetry Submission” and in the body, you may include a short bio or cover letter, if that strikes your fancy. Send your work to: poetry [at] hotmetalbridge [dot] org.


We’re looking for nonfiction in all its guises: essay, travel writing, literary journalism, satire, memoir, etc. We want to hear about dirty kitchens, ill-mannered exchange students, and hydrogen bonding. We will read about decaying vineyards, heroic mall guards, disenchanted cartographers, and sweet potatoes. If it’s new and true—and under 5,000 words—send it our way, to nonfiction [at] hotmetalbridge [dot] org as a .doc or .rtf attachment. Please send only one piece per reading period, with “Nonfiction Submission” in your e-mail subject line. Simultaneous submissions are fine and dandy, but please notify us if another publication accepts your piece.