Ask The Author: Jennifer Pieroni

From January, “Life on the Dead Tree” by Jennifer Pieroni. Jennifer answers questions about climbing, eating, editing, rapping, and witnessing.

1. When was the last time you climbed? How high was it and what did you see?

I don’t climb anything. I’ve become afraid of heights, and this was unanticipated, and I’m not proud of it. I envy children. Typically they can’t be bothered with those worries. So, the last time I “climbed?” A hilltop rock overlooking Gloucester harbor a frightening distance below. That was yesterday.

2. What don’t you eat?

My hunger knows no bounds. Except bugs. I won’t eat those. And I’m practicing portion control. So, there’s that. I also try not to eat things that aren’t from nature. But I have many exceptions to this rule, so it’s kind of a joke. Children are completely irrational about food though. It’s neverendlingly interesting to watch them pick and choose what they’ll eat on the day-to-day.

3. How has being an editor for so long affected your writing style?

I’m not sure it has. A few of the writers we published were (and are) doing work that really resonates for me. Some of them I keep in touch with and those friendships have been really helpful. You need people to keep you in the game. That was the great takeaway for me. Many new inspiring friends.

4. What crime do you wish you were a witness of? Would you testify?

I abhor crime. I wish I saw less of it. I wish poverty and greed could both be eliminated. I would absolutely testify, especially if I felt I could help someone whose voice would be dismissed if I didn’t.

5. What would be the rapping style of someone named “Goat Faced Killer”?

Anyone who knows me knows I’m not qualified to answer this question about rapping styles.

6. What question would you have like to have been asked? How would you answer it?

How much do you love PANK? A super lot.