Spring Funds Drive

Dear Readers,

Do you love [PANK]? Do you love what we do, what we stand for? Do you love the writers we publish, their stories and poems that keep you up at night, keep you thinking and guessing, creep you out, make you laugh and cry, turn you on, make the world mean in startlingly new, complicated, and challenging ways? Do you love that we offer content in a variety of sexy packages across a variety of print and digital platforms, at a variety of price points for your ease and edification, and that the vast majority of the content at [PANK] is available for free?

If you answered yes to any of the above, please consider contributing to [PANK] by either buying something from our shop or by making a donation below. Help us grow. Help us evolve. Every dollar you donate, be it one or twenty, goes directly to support our mission of fostering greater access to emerging and experimental poetry and prose, publishing the brightest and most promising writers for literature’s most adventurous readers. Help [PANK] keep literature diverse, vibrant, and burning bright.

Thank you for your contribution to the cause of great writing.

–M. Bartley Seigel & Roxane Gay, editors [PANK]