We Like to Tease

While you await the arrival of your soon-to-be shipped issue of [PANK] 7, which, if you haven’t already can be ordered here, these excerpts should tide over your hunger for the delicious. If you’re not satisfied, check out our Tumblr page for more.

I collect fractured humans and store them in a bell jar for moments

I want normal. Sometimes,

I shrink myself to join the jar party.

– Eugenia Leigh The Jar Party


It’s easier to live small crisis by small crisis, to believe

if you didn’t drink so much, or slept more,
or had one frank conversation with your father,

then your troubles would dissolve like frozen creeks and disappear into a muddy river.

– Mark Neely Eating Alone


You have a boyfriend now but I always thought it was cool how you would wear your dad’s old dress jackets and roll the sleeves up past your elbows and you let me borrow one once before senior prom but I was too embarrassed to wear it because I didn’t want to stand out, wasn’t ready to stand out.

– Kevin Sampsell Boyfriend