Darkly Devotions

Lyric prose meditations that play with elements from evangelical Christianity, Buddhism, yoga, reiki, Tarot and “weird voodoo shit.”

~by Cindy Clem

Darkly Apologetics


Devotion n (13c) 1 a: religious fervor: PIETY b: an act of prayer or private worship – usu. used in pl.

~ Merriam Webster, 10th


As in “having devotions” (20c?)

As in I’m going to go have my devotions now, like I always do, every day, even on Sundays. When do you have your devotions, apostate?

Muslims have Salat. Buddhists have daily meditation. Catholics have Daily Mass Readings, Jews have morning, afternoon, and evening prayers.  (My apologies if I’m getting this wrong. I researched it for about 45 seconds.) But I think the term “Daily Devotions” is uniquely Evangelical Protestant Christian.

The Evangelical Protestant Daily Devotion is mandated by nothing but the measure of one’s own guilt conscience. My father spent time alone in his office every morning, reading Scripture and praying, often on his knees. My mother sat on one end of the couch, open Bible on lap, coffee mug in one hand, notebook and pen resting next to her. She usually finished before I got up, but on the mornings I saw her there she seemed wrapped in a deep stillness, a peace that passeth understanding, as they say.

My devotions were daily for a week, then weekly, and then fading into bi-yearly in a continuing cycle. My parents never pressured me. When I asked, they would agree that daily devotions were a good idea, a way to be with God. God wants us to be with him, just like any friend would. Continue reading