The Lightning Room With Chloe Benjamin

Things To Do: Dress up your pet porcupine, read Chloe Benjamin’s “In Which We Pay Tribute to Swallowtails” in our May issue, enjoy the gentle stimulation of our interview.

Interview by DeWitt Brinson

1. What is the connection between strangers and dreams?

All dreams are strangers, and all strangers are dreams? I recently dreamed that I had a pet porcupine named Sweetie. She liked to eat yogurt, and I dressed her in a fur coat so I could pet her without getting pricked. When we hung out in my bedroom, she said, “Favorite room!” When I woke up the next day, I missed her.

2. Do you feel you have to fight for what you achieve or do you let life come to you?

I try to do a little of both.

3. What do people most commonly ask you when you tell them you’re a writer? How do you answer?

I always expect that people will give me the hairy eyeball or ask what I plan to do with an MFA, but I’ve been delighted to find that they’re generally excited and supportive. They tend to ask what my novel is about, so I’ve had to spruce up my elevator pitch.

4. What do you look forward to in the morning?


5. How and where do you write?

I used to only be able to write alone at home, but then I discovered ear plugs, and now I like the passive stimulation and gentle peer pressure of a coffee shop.