The Lightning Room With Lisa Nikolidakis

Learn about danger and Bullshit from Lisa Nikolidakis (Read her How to Date a Stalker in the Jan. edition).

1) If you met a stranger who confided in you that an ex was terrorizing them by stalking, what is a question you would ask them?

I’ve had this happen. Tending bar, people tell you all the things. First: Are you in danger? If yes, get thee to the police ASAP. If not, have you made your intentions to be left alone plain as can be? Second: Do you have a therapist?

2) Was it the Safe Horizons pamphlet that inspired this list form or did you find the pamphlet while researching?

The stalker pamphlet as a part of this came from a suggestion by the friend who originally gave it to me–many drafts into this. I had the title first, and I think it inspired the list form.  Continue reading